My brother brought home a stray kitten one day but that disappeared quickly. So you could say I have made up for the lack of pets as a kid by having a menagerie of pets now.
Over 12 years ago I decided I wanted a little black and white fluffy dog which I was going to call Jamie. I searched all the pet shops for ages trying to find a doggie that spoke to me 'take me home'. Until one day I found a litter of golden coloured fluffy dogs. So I took the family out to look at them and every dog had poos on it except one. That was the one I decided to adopt and take home, she cried all the way home in the car. We decided that she didn't look like a Jamie so her name is Maizee, she was such a tiny fluff ball.
Maizee watching the world go by
Bruce had been wanting a chocolate labrador for a while so we kept an eye out for one. We saw one advertised in the paper an hours drive from here. So one day Bruce and I set off to look at these chocolate labradors and adopted a cute one which we called Maggie. On the drive back I had Maggie on the floor near my feet and she kept biting me all the way home. Maggie turned out to be a kelpie X and nothing like a labrador. Maggie and Maizee became really good friends and loved to sleep together. Maggies favourite pastime was chasing a ball, she had endless energy for this. Unfortunately poor Maggie contracted a disease which had the vets puzzled, had so many tests, skin scrappings, injections and special washes. Nothing worked and she lost most of her hair and had a weird smell. She only had a short life. R.I.P. Maggie Lee!
enjoying a cuddle
Then the kids all had their pets. So we had a cockateil Moe owned by Jen, a budgie Woodstock owned by Warwick and a rabbit charcoal owned by Cindy as well as the two dogs. The poor rabbit cooked in the sun and lived up to its name charcoal. After that Cindy decided she wanted a cat. One of my friends cats kept having litters which she gave away. It happened to be Warwick's birthday the day we adopted the cat which Cindy called Zoie. So she decided to give it to him as a birthday present but he didn't want it. Anyway Zoie turned out to be a boy but as he was used to the name he is still called Zoie. He cost Cindy an arm and a leg, as he got involved in a cat fight which damaged his left eye. After two operations the vet had to remove his eye as it couldn't be saved. So he is a one eyed cat with a girls name. LOL!

our one eyed Zoie
Maizee and Zoie have a funny relationship, they can be good friends sleeping close by one minute then fighting the next just like kids. Also Maizee seems to get rather amoures with Zoie thinking she is a boy and does naughty things.
The kids all moved out taking the birds but some how we were left with Zoie. As I missed the birds so much Jen bought me a budgie for Christmas in 2005 which I called Joey. The following Christmas I decided Joey needed a companion so I bought a yellow budgie and called it Elfie. Strangely enough the kids have all had several birds over the years which don't seem to last long but my two are still alive and flying.

Joey seems to be the boss of the cage and tends to bully Elfie quite a bit by pushing her off the perches. They are both very distructive, no matter what I put in their cage it gets wrecked.

Joey and Elfie
I keep checking pet shops for the black and white fluffy dog
I wanted before adopting Maizee but still can't find one. Never mind Maizee has brought me so much love over the 12 years, I wouldn't change it for the world. She is looking like a little old lady lately with thinning hair and has less energy.
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