Before my father in law had his stroke in 1981 he spent many hours tinkering away in his garage making things. He must have had a preminission of what was to come as he was well prepared with a few items.
He made wooden tables and chairs for the grandchildren, toy car garages for the boys and the eldest grand daughter had a beautiful dolls house made for her.
Our son was born in December 1980 and he must have already had a table and chair set and a garge made or else he worked mighty hard in the five months from the time our son was born until he suffered his stroke. Its just a pity he didn't already have a dolls house made and put away for our daughters. My son still has his garage which he values so much his own son is not allowed to play with it.

Anyway my husband unfortunately didn't inherit his dads skills for making childrens toys. Now we have 7 grandchildren of our own and we have cheated but wanted to keep up the tradition of giving a toy garage to the boys. We were lucky to find a great little toy shop that sells beautiful wooden toys. To our surprise they sell similar designed garages to the ones my f-i-l made. So at the time we found them we had three grandsons, so immediately bought three and hid them away. They have all been given as presents now and the boys love them. We now have an extra grandson to buy one for and hide until he is a little older. Hopefully the shop is still there and selling the garages.
These garages are nice but it makes you appreciate all the effort my father in law went to in making the children's toys.
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