Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday glorious Sunday

What a gorgeous day it is today for a Winters day.  The sun is shining and there is a slight breeze but it is just lovely.

I had a huge sleep in to try to recover from my tummy bug.  Then sat in the kitchen whilst Bruce whipped up a batch of pumpkin and date scones for lunch.  Whilst he did this I tried to make a special present for my grand daughter Amelia's 8th birthday next month.

After lunch Bruce went on his usual Sunday errands so I went for a 25 minute walk around the block.  The walk is on 'doctors orders' mind you to try to bring my blood pressure down.  I kept myself going by counting my steps to take my mind off all the aches and pains. 

There are lots of beautiful cherry blossom trees blooming, so a sign Spring is on the way.  I enjoyed looking at all the gardens to try to get ideas for mine. Gradually getting a garden going after having brown thumbs for so many years.

Now I am waiting for Bruce to return home and relaxing catching up on face book.

Just hope next Sunday is as beautiful as this one for Chris's birthday in the local park.


  1. Got to tend to your facebook peeps! ;-P

    Eating date scones after your tummy bug is as clever as me eating the all bran last night.

    I spent the majority of the day in bed, weird day here....Tyler got up for food for JackJack and we all snoozed the day away

  2. yeah I think the scones didn't agree after all. hope you are feeling better after your choccie and all bran incident. REMEMBER FIBRE IS NOT OUR FRIEND.
