Sunday, February 13, 2011


My eldest daughter recently did a blog referring to me as her go-to-person.  I seem to be a go-to-person to everyone and enjoy being able to comfort and give advice where needed. That is my excuse for being a BIG CUDDLY PERSON as there is more of me to cuddle and make you feel better.
There is nothing like sitting down over a nice hot cup of tea and sorting out problems or at least trying to find a solution. Both my daughters come to me for a shoulder to cry on and a chat when they need someone to listen to their worries.  I wish my son would do the same as I know he has things he needs to get off his chest but prefers to keep them to himself, which doesn't do his health any good.  My second eldest sister emails me when she is feeling down and wants to vent her problems. My eldest sister tends to keep her problems to herself and has sleepless nights as a result. I have a friend who only seems to contact me when she has family troubles which makes things a bit awkward, as this makes me feel used.

I have always been a good listener and not so much a talker. I am glad people feel they can come to me with their problems as they say a problem shared is a problem halved.
Recently I emailed my two eldest sisters saying I need some sisterly love as I had just received bad news.  They both rallied to my call and helped me tremendously but little did I realise they both had issues which they were dealing with at this point in time.  After I realised this I felt selfish for asking them for comfort.   So where does the GO-TO-PERSON head when they need their own GO-TO-PERSON? Everyone else seems to have their fair share of troubles and I have tried seeking the help of my friend mentioned above. this never works though as she always turns it around so it becomes about her.

I don't want any of you to stop coming to me as your GO-TO-PERSON so don't think I do. It just at times I need a shoulder to cry on also and would love a big bear hug.  I wish my sisters lived closer to have some sisterly love but distance makes it a virtual hug which is nice too.

So to all my lovely family and friends who do use me as your GO-TO-PERSON   
                 (((HUGS))). <3 <3 <3  I LOVE YOU ALL


  1. Ah, yes - I have the same issue. I am the go-to person, but who do I go-to?

  2. I'm an adult now, so just coz I'm your child, doesn't mean you cant use me as your go-to-person ;) You almost do, but I know you hold back, I dont need protecting, as you say "A problem shared is a problem halved"!! xxxxx
