Monday, August 9, 2010


Oh AVON why have your representatives become FACELESS? Catalogues dropped off on veranders with notes saying to put back out on a certain date.

Where has your friendly AVON ladies gone????

I remember in the 1980s/90s we were on first name basis. My AVON lady would drop in for a cuppa and chat whilst DEMONSTRATING her AVON products. She knew what my family liked with certain colognes for my husband and the things my children enjoyed out of the catalogue. She gave free samples to entice us to buy new products, which 9 times out of 10 worked.

AVON you have let me down twice now within the past 12 months. I wonder how many other customers feel the same and how are you still in business with this new trend of faceless reps?

My lastest experience I received a catalogue which was due to be picked up on a Sunday. As I wanted to talk to the AVON lady I didn't put it out on my verander. I was shocked to see it was just a teeny bopper when she did arrive and asked when the delivery date was. This was because I needed one item for a birthday present on the 1st August. She told me 28th July which was good.

The delivery date came and went, also 1st August came and went. I had to explain why I didn't have a birthday present and hoped it would be coming soon.   Ten days after the promised delivery date my order came. Hooray!  But no the girl said what I had ordered for the August birthday didn't arrive and she would have to re-order it.  I told her not to bother as I thought by the time she re-ordered and if it did come it would take ages.  Then she said what I had ordered for my grand daughters birthday in September was sold out. REALLY! Why bother having an item in your current catalogue that would be so popular and not have enough supplies. This really pissed me off.
So then she recalculated my total as originally it would have come to $55 which I had.  When she told me the new price of $27 I said I would need change of a $50 note.  I was told 'No I don't have change.'
Gosh this girl had my phone number but not once did she bother to call me to say some of my items didn't come in and my new total would be different..  So I told her to come back Tuesday as I would have change by then. After her leaving I had a thought about it and my husband advised me to just cancel my order.  His theory is if its not available in the shops its not worth it.
By the way her excuse for the 10 day delay in delivering the goods was, 'Oh it was raining you see, so I couldn't come out in the rain.'  I hate to tell you life does go on rain, hail or shine and if you want my business I expect a better service.
So AVON I hope I am not stupid enough to fall for your pretty catalogues again.  From now on I will take my business esewhere.  I am one very disgruntled customer.


  1. I always order my avon online now. It's SO much faster and great deals. I'm not sure it was avon and not the teeny bopper that messed up your stuff.

  2. thanks Brandy I didn't realise you could order avon on line. maybe I will from now on.
