Thursday, March 18, 2010


My eldest daughter joined a group called pay it forward where you make something within the year for three people. I liked the sound of this so thought before I commit myself to it I will do a little experiment.
My worst subject at school was sewing. All my classmates used to breeze through making garments whilst I sat there struggling, hating every minute of my time in class, which also made me hate the teacher. So I have never really indulged in sewing anything and cringed if anything needed repairing or even a button stitching on. When I saw Jen sewing recently making presents for Jacks little friends it gave me the inspiration to create something.

hand stitching
I had some cow print material which I had bought for my car seats. So decided to try making a cow of course as I am so obsessed with cows. I came up with an idea in my head of how I wanted it to look and thought I need a door stop to prop the front door open.
So I started cutting the body first which I tacked together. I dragged my sewing machine which Bruce bought me when we first married out of the back of the cupboard. (He had high hopes for me. lol!) Away we go, zoom.....the top looks ok...but the bottom is all gathered. Oh no what to do??? so I asked Jen if I could use her machine but kept stuffing it up. I was almost ready to give up thinking sewing isn't for me when I decided to use my mother in laws old faithful. Yay it works and sewing is fun after all. The body part finished now for the head. I could visualise how I wanted it to look but how to cut it outs another thing. I actually found myself in bed at night dreaming about it. Then VOILE it all came to me.
Woops, stitched my thumb!
Whilst Bruce was on the computer I spent my time sewing. Some parts I hand stitched as they were too dificult to machine stitch. OOps! Can you come and help please Darling, I've sewn through my thumb. We both had a good laugh about this and Bruce couldn't resist taking photos.

The head
Anyway I continued on my first sewing adventure and finished the head part. the next step was to stuff it and weigh it down with something. Bruce bought me some jasmine rice for the weight as he thought it would smell nice. I bought a bag of stuffing but ran out. Luckily I had virtually a draw full of old panty hose so used those as well.
Ta da!!
I was very impressed with my end product and are now eager to start on another sewing adventure.
Finishing touches...her footy scarf, Go Saints!!


  1. and it was such a nice cow but nooooo you had to go n ruin it with a saints scarf... for shame for shaaaame... signing off the horrible pies supporter up the road hehehehe xxx

  2. thanks pies.....go saints!
