Monday, April 5, 2010


 On Easter Sunday my family met down the local park for a picnic.  As it was a long weekend the rubbish bins obviously hadn't been emptied for a few days and were overflowing.

We all took our own food to eat and at the end of a lovely day we went to add our rubbish to the bin. My future s-i-l was verbally attacked by a woman sitting at another table who told him to take our rubbish home.

Well aren't the bins supplied for us to dump our rubbish. We not only put our own rubbish in the bin but the previous persons from our table who left their rubbish behind.

We too could have just walked away leaving all our rubbish on the table to be blown around the park but we did the right thing by binning it.

So take a chill pill you stupid woman and mind your own business.

Keep Australia Clean      


  1. I Guess i should have ask the lady. (lol) Where her house was so i could dump it into her bin. If she had a problem with us using the park bin. It was also funny to see that the other lady (lol) that was with her used her foot to push the rubbish that was on the ground along the ground to the bin. If they had a problem with the possibility of it BLOWING around the park why didn't they take it home. lol. All good.

  2. As I said earlier...I really felt as I was leaving the park that I would like to return with some garbage bags and do a clean up. It's embarrassing as residents that this is what people see of our park, that is usually so clean and beautiful
